Downward Dingo back at the Rocks Markets this weekend. July 7, 2016 17:55

We had a little break, but will be back at the Rocks Markets this weekend. You'll find us in Playfair Street. Forecast is for a dry and sunny weekend so we hope to see you there!  

We are happy to show some of our new stock, the "Balasana" print in 2 new colours white and aqua in the T back style. And in the colours soft coral and lemon yellow in the regular singlets. 


Balasana or Child Pose is a lovely, comforting pose and quite versatile. You can rest your arms backwards ,rest your forehead on the ground, stretch gently and take deep calming breaths. Or extend your arms forward, lift your elbows, push your pinky fingers in the ground in a prayer position and it becomes a great deep shoulder stretch. Whichever child pose you feel like doing is right for you and is bound to make you feel better. I added a video from the lovely Adriene going over the basics of this pose, hope you enjoy it.



We also have our original Downward Dog print in coral and lemon yellow regular singlets, and in the white T Back singlets available.

downward dingo downward dog and childpose singlets

 The new lemon yellow will bring some much needed sunshine in our lives.

The new T back singlets:

downward dingo new downward dog and balasana t back singlets



